Wednesday, January 07, 2009

2 days in a row

So I am TOTALLY in love with my Wii and Wii Fit!! 

I like the variety of exercises - the games - the virtual room - all from the comfort of home - no leaving - no intimidation from bodies in MUCH better shape than mine... 

It is fun... I work up a sweat... I burn calories - I work on my cardio - what is there to lose!! :) 

I am really going to look into the EA sports one coming out in a couple of months - that seems really intersting - and challenging... 

So I have my exercise going well - and my eating is better - I am trying to cut down on calories and eat smarter - but still allow small indulges... note - the word SMALL... 

Now I gotta get my school work going better... but we are started... so no real complaints yet

Saturday, January 03, 2009

A New Year

Why is it that a new year seems to be the only time we think of making changes?? 

The truth is we can make changes whenever... 

A while back I saw an article in the local paper about a friend of mine and her doing the Sun Run... and it inspired me... so I am going to join a clinic and give it a go.... 13 weeks...

I also plan to use my Wii Fit and to get to Monday night volleyball as often as possible...